FDA Rejects MDMA for PTSD Treatment: What’s Next for Psychedelic Therapy?

By Gabriel García August 12, 2024

On 9 August 2024, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dealt a significant blow to the movement advocating MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Lykos Therapeutics, the pharmaceutical company leading the MDMA approval effort, received a “complete response letter” from the FDA, indicating that the agency will not approve the treatment until further research is conducted. This decision has sent shockwaves through the psychedelic therapy advocacy community, raising questions about the future of MDMA and other psychedelic treatments.

FDA Decision: A Setback for MDMA

Lykos Therapeutics has been at the forefront of the effort to integrate MDMA into mental health care, specifically as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The drug had shown promising results in phase 3 clinical trials, where more than 70% of participants no longer met PTSD criteria after just three sessions of therapy combined with MDMA. However, despite these encouraging results, the FDA advisory committee expressed concerns about the strength of the data, especially with regard to the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

The FDA’s decision to reject the application is particularly disappointing for advocates who saw this as a pivotal moment for the integration of psychedelics into mental health treatments. This rejection underscores the agency’s demand for more rigorous research before it can endorse these therapies, despite the urgent need for new treatments for PTSD, especially among veterans.

The Implications for Psychedelic Therapy

The FDA’s refusal to approve MDMA at this stage is a setback, but it does not necessarily signal the end of psychedelic therapy. Dr Mason Marks, a researcher with the Project on Psychedelic Law and Regulation at Harvard Law School, suggests that this decision may be more related to Lykos’ specific application than a general condemnation of psychedelic treatments. Marks notes that the FDA has shown openness to psychedelic research, and this rejection could motivate other companies to move forward with their own treatments, which could accelerate innovation in the field.

However, the delay in approving MDMA could shift the focus to other psychedelics, such as psilocybin, which some experts believe could now gain approval ahead of MDMA. This shift could lead to a broader exploration of different substances and treatment protocols, opening up new avenues for research and therapy.

The Way Forward: More Research Needed

The FDA’s request for additional studies emphasises the importance of comprehensive research in the development of psychedelic therapies. Alan Davis, director of the Center for Psychedelic Drug Research and Education at Ohio State University, expressed optimism despite the setback, stressing the need for rigorous research to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these treatments. Lykos Therapeutics has vowed to continue its efforts, planning to conduct another phase 3 trial, which could take several years to complete.

This delay offers an opportunity for those interested in the field of psychedelic therapy to deepen their understanding. For example, the Psychonaut’s Guides, published by Argonowta, offer valuable insights into the responsible use of psychedelics. These guides can serve as a resource for anyone wishing to explore the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, whether in a clinical setting or for personal growth.


The FDA’s decision not to approve MDMA-assisted therapy is a significant setback for those who advocate psychedelic therapies, but it also highlights the need for more research and caution in bringing these treatments to market. While MDMA may not be available for PTSD treatment in the near future, ongoing research and broader interest in psychedelics suggest that this is not the end of the road for psychedelic therapy. For those interested in learning more about the responsible use of psychedelics, the Psychonaut’s Guides provide a comprehensive resource for navigating this complex and evolving field.

If you are interested in learning more about this exciting world, we invite you to consult the Psychonaut’s Guides by Argonowta. These books will give you a broad and balanced view of psychedelics and their potential therapeutic effects. Remember, however, that these substances are not a panacea or a magic solution to all your problems. Their use requires professional guidance, an appropriate context and a responsible attitude. Psychedelics can be a powerful tool for personal change, but they can also be dangerous if used inappropriately or irresponsibly.

The Psychonaut’s Guides from Argonowta Publishing is a collection of books that explain in a rigorous and accessible way the scientific, historical, cultural and experiential aspects of psychedelic substances. These guides offer updated and contrasted information on the therapeutic and neuroscientific applications of psilocybin, LSD, DMT and MDMA, as well as practical advice on how to prepare, carry out and take advantage of psychedelic experiences. The Psychonaut’s Guides are a must-have reference for anyone interested in learning about the psychedelic renaissance that is transforming mental health and changing lives.

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